Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Testing the Waters

I'll be at the Apprentice Campus tomorrow morning collecting water from the pond. We'll have it tested by the county. Before summer programs start we'll be cleaning out the pond and refilling it. After the water (and the fish!) has had a chance to settle the kids can draw a second sample to compare to the first. Should be an interesting experiment!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Summer Program Support

The Educators Committee is working on a project to provide support to the families of five students joining the Monarch community from out of town for the summer program, June 12-July 13. We are seeking ways to welcome these families to Houston and make their stay comfortable and enjoyable. Your thoughts are needed! Please post a comment here and/or email Miranda (mhenry4@uh.edu) with your ideas. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Welcome to the Monarch Movers & Shapers blog! This blog will facilitate communication within the Movers & Shapers volunteer group, as well as publicize the work we do in support of the Monarch School, a school in Houston, Texas, dedicated to providing an innovative, therapeutic education for children with neurological differences.

If you are already involved in Movers & Shapers and would like to be added to this blog as an author (so you can post entries like this one), please contact Miranda Henry at mhenry4@uh.edu. Even without author privileges, you can always post comments to an existing entry. To stay current with posts to this blog, just add the address to an account at Bloglines or another subscription service.

Questions or comments about the blog should be directed to Miranda.

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