Monarch Movers & Shapers Core Team
Meeting Minutes: September 4, 2008
12:30 PM, Monarch Learning Center
Core Team/Faculty Members:
Present: Justin Fox, Stephanie Wheatley, Carrie Logan, John Hardesty, Madelyn Browder, Kandace Shyer, Brittany McGarvey, Marty Webb, John Barone, Debrah Hall, Shannon Woodruff, and Neal Sarahan.
-Meeting called to order at 12:30 p.m. by Chairman Fox.
-Lunch enjoyed by all.
-Current projects lists and agendas distributed.
Opening greetings by Chairman Fox
-Presents to all by John Barone on behalf of school faculty (champagne glass with embossed Monarch emblem).
-Chairman Fox introduced three new members of the Movers and Shapers team: Kandace Shyer, Brittney McGarvey and Madelyn Browder.
-Justin took time to recognize Penny Weiss, as she “retires” from the M&S Core Team to move to Sun Valley, Idaho. J He also celebrated Marion DeFalco, who will be taking a 6-month break from M&S. Thank you Marion and Penny, for all your hard work and service to M&S. You will be missed!
-Movers and Shapers Core Team meetings will occur about every six weeks, with a total of six meetings this 2008-09 school year. Next meeting will be in October 2008.
-Our M&S main goal will be to do whatever we can to help the school. The M&S current project list was discussed.
General remarks by Dr. Marty Webb, Head of School
-The steel beams for the first building is up and the crew is now going on to the second floor. The target date for finishing is March 20, 2009 and the school will be able to move in by the last week of May, 2009. The 2009 summer program will be at the new site.
-The Capital Campaign gifts and pledges total is $5.7M of a needed $6.9 for Phase One so the end is in sight and all help welcomed.
-There is an employment opportunity for a “one-on-one” student support staff person for a 7 year old boy. Dr. Webb distributed index cards which can be posted at churches and places of employment.
Remarks by John Barone, Director of Communications
-“A Place for All” is being released soon and will be available through The Monarch School will receive a portion of the proceeds for this book. The first chapter is on the St. Mary’s press website at Flyers were distributed to put out at churches, etc. Please promote.
Remarks by Shannon Woodruff, Director of Development
-The Westin free fundraising breakfast will be October 16, 2008 and all Movers and Shapers are asked to captain a table.
-The Fort Bend breakfast, which was held last year for the first time, benefited the capital campaign, but this year will benefit the scholarship fund. This breakfast will be held on November 13, 2008 at Sweetwater Country Club. Shannon is still in need of Table Captains for this breakfast!
-We already have over $13,000 in sponsorships for the Westin breakfast, and Shannon announced two new sponsors. She is working to get the entire $25,000 cost for the event sponsored. Everyone is welcome to help as well. Please see Shannon if you’d like to captain a table or help in any way.
Remarks by other Monarch staff members
-Dr. Debrah Hall reported that the school has five new staff members this year, and that the Apprentice campus has had a great start.
-Dr. Neal Sarahan reported that the Challenger campus also was off to a wonderful start this school year.
Builders Committee update by Stephanie Wheatley
-Because of a more complex school schedule, Mr. Klein and students will not be as available to take care of our garden at the Zoo so Movers and Shapers will be taking care of this. Kandace and Madelyn volunteered to help.
-School scrapbooks will be ready in time for new school opening. One scrapbook for each year of the school is being constructed.
-Plans for the twice yearly Apprentice campus cleaning are being made.
-Anything that needs fixing, the M&S team is available to help.
-No garage sales this year, but we need a schedule and volunteers for recycling IF it can be coordinated in a way that is predictable and dependable.
-Because of limited space, book donations are not being accepted right now. We do need book shelves and supportive living house furniture.
Heralds Committee update by Justin Fox
-Committee members are Susan Meek, Carolyn Trozzo and Justin Fox.
-Volunteers are needed for stuffing envelopes, filing, etc.
-The M&S shirt project is still underway. These will cost approximately $25.00 per shirt.
-Justin and John Hardesty will be representing M&S at Rice University for its Volunteer Fair on September 18th. If you would like to help, contact either Justin or John.
Educators Committee update by John Barone
-There are 98 students at Monarch for the 08-09 school year.
-This committee provides direct service with the kids such as reading to the students.
-John Hardesty has volunteered to team with music therapist Kay Taylor this school year. Logistics still have to be arranged. Dr. Hall noted that room space is the challenge.
Developers Committee update by Justin Fox
-Justin announced that the donation of the Monarch butterfly display will be ready March, 2009.
-Committee will continue to promote fund raising and friend raising for the Movers & Shapers.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:30 PM
The next M&S Core Committee meeting will be Thursday, October 23 or 30 at 12:30 PM. TBA.
Minutes prepared by Madelyn Browder.