Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Movers and Shapers Retreat Notes

Movers and Shapers Retreat Notes
August 19, 2009
Justin Fox- Marty’s little brother; Chairman of Movers and Shapers; retired FBI agent
John Barone - Director of Communications; taught in both programs; now working with Kipp to spread word about Monarch
Marty Webb - Head of School; Never thought she’d be a principal; loved teaching; founding of Monarch was the culmination of vision that Houston needed a school like Monarch
Vicki Luquette - parent coordinator for Challenger; 17-year-old son who has been with Monarch for 1.5 years; lived in Montana for 13 years; challenges of high school brought them to Monarch
Julie Schwartz- parent coordinator for Apprentice; son (4 years old) in his second year at Monarch; stay-at-home mom with two kids; daughter is two.
Kandace Shyer- former M&S parent liaison for Apprentice; two kids; son Grant attended Monarch and will now attend public school after three years with the school
Carrie Logan- met Marty seven years ago; court reporter for 23 years; has a 14-year-old that will go to high school this year
John Hardesty - wife is on the Monarch Board; musician/composer/pianist; inspired by a student playing piano at the breakfast
Stephanie Wheatley - former parent coordinator; son Grant has been with Monarch for six years; used to live in Middle East; no services for son there; didn’t like public school; very happy with Monarch and progress son has made; art teacher (pre-k through 3rd grade)
Julie Meaux - 17-year-old son who attended Monarch for four years; he will attend public school; still here 1.5 years after son left
Marion Defalco - attended breakfast and has been in awe of Monarch ever since; taught for 8 years in 13 different states (special ed teacher); had a vision for a school like this and thinks it’s unbelievable to see a school like Monarch
Anne Proano - became involved through Marion; has grandson with autism; registered nurse
Scharlene Fox - taught school for eight years in Louisiana; had students that she couldn’t understand because of lack of training; retired FBI agent; Justin’s wife
Kipp Baxter – Monarch’s new Development Director; former broker; background with arts organizations; accustomed to raising funds

Roots and Wings
Dr. Webb shared a poem from “Seasons of Your Heart” by Sister Macrina Wiederkehr
Met Sister Macrina a year ago; told her how much her spirituality had inspired her
“Roots and Wings” is the poem that has led Dr. Webb through personal and career changes
Had trouble letting go; poem tugged on her heart and helped her.

Roots and wings
Roots and wings I’ve wanted most of all
My longing to stay and my longing to go come wrapped in the same package
I struggle

Root Pursuit
Movers and Shapers enjoyed a trivia game derived from their memories of childhood in the following categories: fun foods, TV time; playing with peers, toys and gadgets; school daze.

Root Salute
Movers and Shapers reviewed a History of Monarch and shared how they first joined M&S and what their contributions have been.
97-98 - Humble Beginnings: Monarch in a Garage.
98-99 - Our Foundation: The Level System is born.
99-00 - Making a Splash: Monarch Students build the pond.
00-01 - Into the Woods: Trails added, mapped and marked.
01-02 - Monarch Triples in Size: Dedication of Challenger.
02-03 - The Most Important Meal of the Day: The 1st MMM.
03-04 - The Business Begins: Life Academy is Born.
04-05 - Reaching Out: Our First Diagnostic Clinic Client.
05-06 - Our Resident Artist: Kate Mattheisen at the Jung Center!
06-07 - Homes of Our Own: Supportive Living Begins.
07-08 - Famous Friend: Robison receives Honorary Diploma.
08-09 - There’s No Place Like Home: Our New Campus!

If You Had Wings
Movers and Shapers brainstormed where they would like to travel to, and those who have been to these places shared their experience there, “flying” the group their in our imaginations.

On a Wing and a Prayer
Movers and Shapers wrote down their dreams for Monarch in the next five years (listed below). During lunch they shared their ideas in past tense, as if they had already been achieved.

Ÿ Accomplish the task of making Monarch a household name in Houston
Ÿ Monarch receives national exposure on TV
Ÿ See Dr. Webb on Oprah
Ÿ Defined process for tapping into potential helping/participation/assistance of parents
Ÿ Many want to be more active but don’t know how
Ÿ Movers and Shapers - continued dedication and meaningful projects!
Ÿ Actually work with the children
Ÿ Continue to get student’s stories before the public both as fundraising strategy and as way to continue normalizing neuro-differences with general public
Ÿ Continue bringing in leading edge “thinkers” in neuro-difference field (authors, educators, etc.)

Ÿ Corporate contributions of $1 million
Ÿ Breakfast MMM attendance to exceed 1,000
Ÿ Mega Connections Scholarship Program
1. Students
2. Potential Teachers
3. Teachers - higher ed
Ÿ Brain Education Grant
Ÿ PBS - program about Monarch School

Ÿ National Recognition for the Monarch School approach and Green campus!!
Ÿ Completion of Phase 2 & 3 of Monarch Buildings

Ÿ Personal contributions of $20,000+ per year; recruitment of friends/corporations to attend breakfast

Ÿ Completion of funding for phases 2 & 3 of Monarch campus buildings!
Ÿ Ability to accommodate all who wish to attend Monarch
Ÿ Annual corporate contributions exceed $2 million
Ÿ Increase number of students while maintaining all attributes that make Monarch work (individualization of learning plans, etc.)

Parting Gifts
On behalf of Monarch, John presented the group with Monarch post-its for M&S ideas, and a journal for recording all their contributions.

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