Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Minutes from Core Team meeting 5-15-08

Monarch Movers & Shapers
Core Team
Meeting Minutes: May 15, 2008
12:30 PM, Monarch Learning Center

Core Team/Faculty Members:
Present: Justin Fox, Dr. Marty Webb, Carrie Logan, Julie Meaux, Stephanie Wheatley, Marion Defalco, Anne Proano, John Barone, Linda Caruso, Kerstein Daigre, Stephanie Kirkpatrick

Meeting called to order at 12:30 by Chairman Fox.
Lunch enjoyed by all.
Current projects lists and agendas distributed.

Opening greetings by Chairman Fox

General remarks by Dr. Marty Webb, Head of School
Dr. Webb gave us an updated report on the progress of the Capital Campaign. We have reached $5.7 million of our $6.9 million goal!
Construction is moving forward, and Mission Contractors estimates that Phase I will be complete by February 20th, 2009. If that is the case, we will move over Spring Break; if construction is not complete by then we will begin the move in late May.
Graduation is Saturday May 17th and 3:00 PM. Hope to see everyone there! Continuing our friendship with John Elder Robison, he will be at the ceremony to accept an honorary high school diploma.

Remarks by John Barone, Director of the Monarch Learning Center, and Linda Caruso, Life Academy Coordinator
John expressed his gratitude for all the help Movers and Shapers have given us this year. Thanks everyone for your hard work and dedication.
John also thanked Justin for his excellent leadership, and noted the improvements in organization and accountability the group has seen this year.
Linda also thanked the group for all their hard work this year. She had just returned from “Monarch Day” with the Rotary club at the Junior League. Some of the Life Academy students were there selling boutonnières and corsages. Thanks M&S for all your support with new projects this year, especially the travel business and the hard work at the warehouse!

Senior Class Gifts dress rehearsal by Colleen Russo and the Class of 2008
The Movers & Shapers were treated to a “dress rehearsal” of the senior class gift presentations. At graduation on Saturday, the seniors will present gifts of themselves to the Monarch community. They have been working long and hard on these gifts and presentations! The Core Team enjoyed their moving presentations, and was able to provide constructive feedback.

Educators Committee update by Justin Fox
Justin reported for Miranda Bennett that due to her pregnancy, most of her projects are in a “holding pattern.” Congratulations Miranda – it’s a boy!
Justin shared a slide show of pictures from his recent trip to China. Thanks Justin – it looks like it was an amazing trip!

Herald Committee update by Marion Defalco
Marion suggested we wait until the fall to order M&S t-shirts, since it might be easier to get everyone together. In an effort to get the order submitted a.s.a.p., Stephanie K. will coordinate with Marion to send an evite to all M&S members so they can place their order electronically.

Builders Committee update by Stephanie Wheatley
Stephanie brought some of the Monarch Scrapbooks to share – so we could see that the project really is coming along! The scrapbooks were shared with the Core Team and the senior class. Fun was had by all as we relived some of the great fashions and hairstyles of the past 10 years!

Meeting adjourned at 1:430 PM
Minutes prepared by Stephanie Kirkpatrick.

Minutes from Core Team Meeting 4/10/08

Monarch Movers & Shapers
Core Team
Meeting Minutes: April 10, 2008
12:30 PM, Monarch Learning Center

Meeting called to order at 12:30 by Chairman Fox.
Lunch enjoyed by all.
Current projects lists and agendas distributed.

Opening greetings by Chairman Fox

General remarks by Dr. Marty Webb, Head of School
Dr. Webb reported that the groundbreaking ceremony was a “joyous event!” Thanks to all who attended and helped bring it together.
The Capital Campaign has two large grants in the works, so keep your ears open for news!

Remarks by Shannon Woodruff, Director of Development
The Houston’s Dancing with the Stars event is approaching. This event, co-sponsored by Urban Retreat, will see its proceeds split between the Capital Campaign and the scholarship fund.
Shannon thanked Penny Weiss, Carrie Logan, and Stephanie Wheatley for the help they have already given in promoting the event. Everyone else is welcome to help as well: see Shannon if you’d like to put up posters, and feel free to forward the eTap email to your personal address book.

Presentation on the DIR® Model by Dr. Debrah Hall
Dr. Hall shared a PowerPoint presentation about the Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-Based therapeutic model, which is used at the Apprentice Campus. Thanks Dr. Hall for sharing your knowledge with us!

Remarks by John Barone, Director of Monarch Learning Center
Thanks to everyone who helped to get the John Elder Robison event off the ground. It was a fun and enlightening evening for all. John B. shared his hopes that a professional collaboration and friendship will continue to grow between John Elder Robison and The Monarch School.
John also thanked Susan Meek for her help sorting through the “legal-ese” of the contracts with St. Mary’s Press. Thanks so much, Susan!

Heralds Committee update by Marion Defalco
Marion shared how pleased she was with the outcome of the Robison event. Her promotion efforts for the event have lead to some contacts with corporations that she hopes will continue through grant applications.
The M&S shirt project is still underway. Marion passed around some samples of possible shirt designs and material. We will need to try and find a way to collect an order from all interested members.

Educators Committee update by Miranda Bennett
Miranda tested the Houston Chronicle’s “News from You” feature to promote the Robison event and found it easy to use. It will also be used to promote Dancing with the Stars.
Website proofing is still ongoing.
John Hardesty will begin working on music therapy with Kay Kahl Taylor in the summer.

Developers Committee update by Justin Fox
Justin announced that he has acquired a donation of a Monarch butterfly display from an artist who was exhibiting at a festival – just by talking to him about The Monarch School!
M&S is now a part of Volunteer Houston’s “Hands on Houston” website. Justin and John Barone have access to post short-term projects on the website to solicit volunteers.
Justin took time to recognize Julie Meaux, as she “retires” from the M&S Core Team and her position as Developers Committee chair. Justin presented Julie with a commendation, butterfly garden, Macy’s gift card, and $200,000 in cash! J Thank you Julie, for all your hard work and service to M&S. You will be missed on the Core Team!

Builders Committee update by Stephanie Wheatley
The builders have been busy with the zoo project and the AP campus spruce up day at the end of March.
Scharlene Fox will head up the inventory and organization committee for the warehouse project to make sure things run smoothly as we prepare to vacate the warehouse.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM
The next M&S Core Committee meeting will be Thursday, May 15th at 12:30 PM.
Minutes prepared by Stephanie Kirkpatrick.

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